Wednesday, October 8, 2008


1 John 3:2 says, "Beloved, now are we the sons of God, and it doth not yet appear what we shall be: but we know that, when he shall appear, we shall be like him; for we shall see him as he is."

I can relate more to this scripture today. It seems that I'm in a transition. I feel as though I'm in a cocoon and I'm struggling to be free. To put it in computer terms, I feel as though my hard drive is being reformatted. I don't yet see what I am becoming but I'm sure that when the father makes it clear to me, I will be someone that is more like Christ. Praise His holy name!

Friday, October 3, 2008

Sticking With Your Assignment

Are you on assignment? What I mean is, has God sent you to a specific place or person to accomplish a specific mission? As you ponder your answers to those questions let me tell you that I'm sticking with my assignment.

God sent me on assignment to a specific place, my new home in Michigan; for a specific mission, to minister to my husband. Though there are other worthy things I do day in and day out. I'm constantly reminded by the Holy Spirit of my primary responsibility. As I'm faithful to stick with my assignment, God is faithful to take care of all of the other things that compete for my attention that truly matter to me.

How did you answer the two questions? Do you know your assignment? I believe every Christian has a specific mission at any given time. Write me and let me know what you believe concerning this matter.



Saturday, September 20, 2008

Still Have Joy!

What a week we've had in our family. My enemy, the devil, has been diligently working overtime to steal, kill, and destroy my joy and my testimony. In just the past week, I've received word of two family members being sexually assaulted, one choked, one family member being diagnosed with stage 4 bone cancer, a daughter stuck in Houston during hurricane Ike, and the death of a family member that I grew up with. Add to all of the above, mounting bills, no full-time job, and a lack of good Christian friends and fellowship.

Normally, one with this situation would be in tears and walking toward depression; but God is good! I still have joy!

Today, I pause to thank God, my Father, for helping me to weather the storms that have hit our family. In spite of all of these things, I give Him thanks and praise. I thank Him for peace in the midst of the storm. I thank Him for a mind and will to pray. I thank Him for the ability to forgive. I thank Him for taking away my fears. I thank Him for sustaining us with blessings each and every day. Just this morning we were privileged to receive two free tickets to a wonderful prayer and praise breakfast. Thank YOU God. I love Him more today, than any day before. Glory to His name.

Thursday, June 26, 2008

Welcome to Ladies Listen & Learn

Welcome to Ladies Listen & Learn! I hope we can be blessed to have some meaningful discussions. To get us started, let's talk about femininity. I've been noticing that more and more of the younger ladies are seeking to not look feminine. Have you noticed the same? How do you feel about it?