Saturday, September 20, 2008

Still Have Joy!

What a week we've had in our family. My enemy, the devil, has been diligently working overtime to steal, kill, and destroy my joy and my testimony. In just the past week, I've received word of two family members being sexually assaulted, one choked, one family member being diagnosed with stage 4 bone cancer, a daughter stuck in Houston during hurricane Ike, and the death of a family member that I grew up with. Add to all of the above, mounting bills, no full-time job, and a lack of good Christian friends and fellowship.

Normally, one with this situation would be in tears and walking toward depression; but God is good! I still have joy!

Today, I pause to thank God, my Father, for helping me to weather the storms that have hit our family. In spite of all of these things, I give Him thanks and praise. I thank Him for peace in the midst of the storm. I thank Him for a mind and will to pray. I thank Him for the ability to forgive. I thank Him for taking away my fears. I thank Him for sustaining us with blessings each and every day. Just this morning we were privileged to receive two free tickets to a wonderful prayer and praise breakfast. Thank YOU God. I love Him more today, than any day before. Glory to His name.

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