Thursday, June 26, 2008

Welcome to Ladies Listen & Learn

Welcome to Ladies Listen & Learn! I hope we can be blessed to have some meaningful discussions. To get us started, let's talk about femininity. I've been noticing that more and more of the younger ladies are seeking to not look feminine. Have you noticed the same? How do you feel about it?


Fran Hart said...

Yeah, I think that's a pretty common trend. Young ladies are feeling less and less pressure to conform to any standard and they just enjoy using the tools available to them to develop and create a whole new set of "standards." Great conversation piece. I'll continue to check your blog daily.

Patricia said...

Thanks Fran. What are your feelings about creating a whole new set of "standards?" Also, are you COGIC? I viewed your blog and wondered. I'm COGIC. Thanks for visiting my blog. I'll return the visit and visit yours after I finish cooking and serving my family dinner.